instagram: @Stueytellar
STUDIOS: Yaletown
Stew I
3 Words to Describe My Teaching Style:
Rejuvenation, blissful, unwind
My music style:
I fly with Jaybird Because:
It serves others in a very special way. The Jaybird team is incredible by helping people with there physical and mental health. The class grounds me and keeps me connected with community
My journey to jaybird:
From nature boy to sports joc to freestyle street dancer who transitioned Into yoga/meditation, this studio hit all the check marks of what I love to do.
Movement, music , mindfulness and selfcare has always been a huge part of my lifestyle.
Im very grateful Jaybird has given me to the opportunity to help others , better myself and stay connected with community.
What MiNdfulness Means to Me:
Mindfulness to me means: being present, healthy choices, calm energy and connection to your environment.
words to live by:
You don't stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing.