instagram: @courtneycroucher
STUDIOS: Queen west
Courtney C
3 Words to Describe My Teaching Style:
energetic, authentic, challenging
My music style:
wide range but mainly hip-hop, r&b and house
I fly with Jaybird Because:
I found Jaybird at a time in my life where I was very lost and focused on movement as means for change in my physical body and appearance. Through Jaybird's mindful approach, I learned so much about myself by tuning out the outside world. The intersection of music, movement, mindfulness and breath created a type of magic I didn't know existed.
My journey to jaybird:
I began my pilates journey getting certified through Equinox and worked my way up at a few different studios downtown, leveraging networking and community. I continued my education in becoming a somatic breathwork facilitator and once Jaybird had an opening for teachers, the timing aligned!
What MiNdfulness Means to Me:
To me, mindfulness means cultivating a deep awareness of the present moment, connecting with my body, mind, and spirit without judgment. It's about intentionally carving out space to tune into how I feel, what I need, and what aligns with my highest self. Mindfulness allows me to embrace both stillness and movement—whether it’s through Pilates, breathwork, or a simple moment of reflection—so I can show up with clarity, presence, and purpose in everything I do.
words to live by:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?"
— Marianne Williamson